Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Well almost the end of November

So near the end I really didn't think I'd have anything worth writing about but of course I didn't reckon on sod's law being alive and thriving nearby.

I was minding my own business, writing e-mails to friends when I heard a horribly ominous hissing sound coming from the bathroom behind me. I was horrified to see a fountain of water gushing out from under the basin. Panicked, I rushed down and turned off the mains and thanked God that we only have floorboards and no plasterboard on the ceiling so the water just trickled down to the floor. I have to admit that although I consider myself pretty independent, I have no real knowledge of the intricacies of plumbing or electrics (so I'm sure that'll be next) and I wasn't about to start experimenting now. As luck would have it, my nearest friends in times of need and emergencies are in the UK at the moment, so I phoned the next lucky couple. As much as I hate the 'needy single female' syndrome, at times like this I have no pride.

My dear friends Maggie & Alistair are Scottish salts of the earth, I can't praise them highly enough, always ready to help and this was no exeption. Alistair arrived, reccied the problem and incredibly enough had a spare flexi hose to substitute for the leaking one. Within 1 hour, job done and water back on. That it might have happened when I was out for a few hours doesn't bare thinking about. I have to fight the impulse to turn the water off every time I leave the house.

On a lighter note, the last few nights of frost have finally reduced the huge rampant morning glory outside to mush and I've had to take it all down as the jasmin beneath really did deserve a chance to breath. Next year I'll plant morning glory again but on the trellis bordering the first gite as it will really give privacy to it's patio and hopefully the jasmin will go forth and multiply.
In all it's glory


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